Appeals process.

§ 118.6 Appeals process.

(a) Owner or operator request to reconsider requirement to prepare a facility response plan. In the event the owner or operator of a non-transportation-related onshore facility does not agree that the facility meets the applicability criteria under § 118.3 or with the Regional Administrator's determination under § 118.5 that the facility could, because of its location, reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm or significant and substantial harm to the environment by discharging CWA hazardous substances into or on the navigable waters or a conveyance to navigable waters, or that amendments to the facility response plan are necessary, such as changes to the worst case discharge planning quantity, the owner or operator may submit a request for reconsideration to the Regional Administrator and provide additional information and data in writing to support the request. The request and accompanying information must be submitted to the Regional Administrator within 60 days of receipt of notice of the Regional Administrator's original decision. The Regional Administrator shall consider the request and render a written decision with the basis for the determination as soon as practicable. The owner or operator shall then follow the preparation, submission, and implementation guidelines in § 118.4.

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