
42 U.S. Code § 1437bbb-5. Application

(a) In generalThe Secretary shall provide for jurisdictions to submit applications for approval to participate in the demonstration program under this subchapter. An application—
shall be submitted only after the jurisdiction provides for citizen participation through a public hearing and, if appropriate, other means;
(2) shall include a plan for the provision of housing assistance with amounts received pursuant to this subchapter that—
is developed by the jurisdiction;
takes into consideration comments from the public hearing, any other public comments on the proposed program, and comments from current and prospective residents who would be affected; and
identifies each term or condition for which the jurisdiction is requesting waiver under section 1437bbb–3(a)(1) of this title;
shall describe how the plan for use of amounts will assist in meeting the purposes of, and be used in accordance with, sections 1437bbb and 1437bbb–1(a) of this title, respectively;
shall propose standards for measuring performance in using assistance provided pursuant to this subchapter based on the performance standards under subsection (b)(4);
shall propose the length of the period for participation of the jurisdiction is [1] in the demonstration program under this subchapter;
(6) shall—
in the case of the application of any jurisdiction within whose boundaries are areas subject to any other unit of general local government, include the signed consent of the appropriate executive official of such unit to the application; and
in the case of the application of a consortia of units of general local government (as provided under section 1437bbb–8(1)(B) of this title), include the signed consent of the appropriate executive officials of each unit included in the consortia;
(7) shall include information sufficient, in the determination of the Secretary—
to demonstrate that the jurisdiction has or will have management and administrative capacity sufficient to carry out the plan under paragraph (2), including a demonstration that the applicant has a history of effectively administering amounts provided under other programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, such as the community development block grant program, the HOME investment partnerships program, and the programs for assistance for the homeless under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act [42 U.S.C. 11301 et seq.];
to demonstrate that carrying out the plan will not result in excessive duplication of administrative efforts and costs, particularly with respect to activities performed by public housing agencies operating within the boundaries of the jurisdiction;
to describe the function and activities to be carried out by such public housing agencies affected by the plan; and
to demonstrate that the amounts received by the jurisdiction will be maintained separate from other funds available to the jurisdiction and will be used only to carry out the plan;
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