Records Management and Retention

Appendix 5-Q: Sample Litigation Hold Notice

Litigation Hold Notice

Privileged and Confidential: Do Not Forward

Please read this important Litigation Hold Notice carefully to ensure you understand what you must do to preserve relevant information that may be needed in connection with this matter.

Please keep this notice confidential, and please do not discuss this matter with anyone outside the presence of attorneys (both in person and by email, text, or instant message). If you have any questions, please contact [XXXXXX] directly at [XXXX].

[Company] has received a letter from an attorney on behalf of former employee, [Employee], making various legal claims against the Company.

In order to appropriately prepare our response to the claim, it is critical that the Company retain all documents and recordings related to [Employee’s] hiring, employment, performance, and reasons for the separation of employment. Company must preserve all records, information, documents, and other tangible evidence potentially relevant to this matter (Relevant Information), even if records, policies, or retention schedules would normally require the Relevant Information to be discarded or deleted.

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