Work practice standards.

§ 63.803 Work practice standards.

(a) Work practice implementation plan. (1) Each owner or operator of an affected source subject to this subpart shall prepare and maintain a written work practice implementation plan that defines environmentally desirable work practices for each wood furniture operation manufacturing operation and addresses each of the work practice standards presented in paragraphs (b) through (l) of this section. The plan shall be developed no more than 60 days after the compliance date.

(2) The written work practice implementation plan shall be available for inspection by the Administrator (or delegated State, local, or Tribal authority) upon request. If the Administrator (or delegated State, local, or Tribal authority) determines that the work practice implementation plan does not include sufficient mechanisms for ensuring that the work practice standards are being implemented, the Administrator (or delegated State, local, or Tribal authority) may require the affected source to modify the plan. Revisions or modifications to the plan do not require a revision of the source's Title V permit.

(3) The inspection and maintenance plan required by paragraph (c) of this section and the formulation assessment plan for finishing operations required by paragraph (l) of this section are also reviewable by the Administrator (or delegated State, local, or Tribal authority).

(b) Operator training course. Each owner or operator of an affected source shall train all new and existing personnel, including contract personnel, who are involved in finishing, gluing, cleaning, and washoff operations, use of manufacturing equipment, or implementation of the requirements of this subpart. All new personnel, those hired after the compliance date of the standard, shall be trained upon hiring. All existing personnel, those hired before the compliance date of the standard, shall be trained within six months of the compliance date of the standard. All personnel shall be given refresher training annually. The affected source shall maintain a copy of the training program with the work practice implementation plan. The training program shall include, at a minimum, the following:

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