A whole new world: How to navigate designing and implementing a fresh compliance program

8 minute read

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to develop a compliance program, ask yourself, “What do I need to do, and where do I start?” look no further. What you need to do is determine what your product offerings will be so you know which regulatory frameworks are applicable for you to consider. You will then need to start with designing an effective compliance program based on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General’s seven elements of an effective compliance program, considering your organization’s unique product offering(s), size, and structure.[1] You are probably now asking yourself: “How do I do this?”

Designing and implementing a new compliance program is like setting sail and discovering a whole new world. We would suggest the following outline to get started:

  • Architect and design of the vessel

  • Getting the crew on board

  • Mapping the course

  • Setting sail

  • Adjusting to life in the new world

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