When must I comply with this subpart if I plan to continue operation of my HMIWI?

§ 62.14470 When must I comply with this subpart if I plan to continue operation of my HMIWI?

If you plan to continue operation of your HMIWI, then you must follow the requirements in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section depending on when you plan to come into compliance with the requirements of this subpart.

(a) If you plan to continue operation and come into compliance with the requirements of this subpart by May 13, 2014, then you must complete the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this section.

(1) You must comply with the operator training and qualification requirements and inspection requirements (if applicable) of this subpart by May 13, 2014.

(2) You must achieve final compliance by May 13, 2014. This includes incorporating all process changes and/or completing retrofit construction, connecting the air pollution control equipment or process changes such that the HMIWI is brought online, and ensuring that all necessary process changes and air pollution control equipment are operating properly.

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