What’s top of mind with CCOs?

7 minute read

The KPMG 2023 CCO Survey: Anticipating more scrutiny draws on the perspectives of 240 chief ethics and compliance officers (CCOs) representative of the largest companies operating in six industry sectors.[1] They provided insights into their current focus and two-year outlook on key areas of ethics and compliance, including regulatory complexity, operational challenges, ethics and firm culture, sustainability/environmental, social, and governance (ESG), and evolving technology.

We are in a period of discordant and highly sensitized public policy—as well as intense regulatory activity—affecting all industries. Compliance feels acute pressure to enhance—not only to be more effective and efficient—but to meet increasing board and regulator expectations. Technology and data analytic investment to the ethics and compliance function is no longer a “nice-to-have”; it’s a necessity to help mitigate, measure, and identify risk.

Below are six key survey findings accompanied by impacting drivers.

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