What requirements must be met by a family planning project?

§ 59.5 What requirements must be met by a family planning project?

(a) Each project supported under this part must:

(1) Provide a broad range of acceptable and effective medically approved family planning methods (including natural family planning methods) and services (including pregnancy testing and counseling, assistance to achieve pregnancy, basic infertility services, STI services, preconception health services, and adolescent-friendly health services). If an organization offers only a single method of family planning, it may participate as part of a project as long as the entire project offers a broad range of acceptable and effective medically approved family planning methods and services. Title X service sites that are unable to provide clients with access to a broad range of acceptable and effective medically approved family planning methods and services, must be able to provide a prescription to the client for their method of choice or referrals to another provider, as requested.

(2) Provide services without subjecting individuals to any coercion to accept services or to employ or not to employ any particular methods of family planning. Acceptance of services must be solely on a voluntary basis and may not be made a prerequisite to eligibility for, or receipt of, any other services, assistance from or participation in any other program of the applicant. [1]

(3) Provide services in a manner that is client-centered, culturally and linguistically appropriate, inclusive, and trauma-informed; protects the dignity of the individual; and ensures equitable and quality service delivery consistent with nationally recognized standards of care.

(4) Provide services in a manner that does not discriminate against any client based on religion, race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics, number of pregnancies, or marital status.

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