What requirements apply under the Diurnal Transition Program?

§ 1045.625 What requirements apply under the Diurnal Transition Program?

The provisions of this section allow vessel manufacturers to produce a certain number of vessels with installed fuel tanks that do not meet the diurnal emission standards specified in § 1045.112(d) and 40 CFR 1060.105. The provisions of this section do not apply for portable marine fuel tanks, personal watercraft, or outboard engines with under-cowl fuel tanks. Vessels you produce under this section are exempt from the prohibitions in 40 CFR 1068.101(a)(1) with respect to diurnal emissions, subject to the provisions of this section.

(a) General. If you are a vessel manufacturer, you may introduce into U.S. commerce limited numbers of exempted vessels under this section. You may use the exemptions in this section only if you have primary responsibility for designing and manufacturing vessels and your manufacturing procedures include installing some engines in these vessels. Consider all U.S.-directed vessel sales in showing that you meet the requirements of this section, including those from any parent or subsidiary companies and those from any other companies you license to produce vessels for you. These provisions are available for vessels you produce during the periods specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

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