What requirements apply for reasonably available control technology (RACT) and reasonably available control measures (RACM) under the 8-hour NAAQS?

§ 51.912 What requirements apply for reasonably available control technology (RACT) and reasonably available control measures (RACM) under the 8-hour NAAQS?

(a) What is the RACT requirement for areas subject to subpart 2 in accordance with § 51.903? (1) For each area subject to subpart 2 in accordance with § 51.903 of this part and classified moderate or higher, the State shall submit a SIP revision that meets the NOX and VOC RACT requirements in sections 182(b)(2) and 182(f) of the Act.

(2) The State shall submit the RACT SIP for each area no later than 27 months after designation for the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, except that for a State subject to the requirements of the Clean Air Interstate Rule, the State shall submit NOX RACT SIPs for electrical generating units (EGUs) no later than the date by which the area's attainment demonstration is due (prior to any reclassification under section 181(b)(3)) for the 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard, or July 9, 2007, whichever comes later.

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