What reports must I submit and when?

§ 63.10031 What reports must I submit and when?

(a) You must submit each report in this section that applies to you.

(1) If you are required to (or elect to) monitor Hg emissions continuously, you must meet the electronic reporting requirements of appendix A to this subpart.

(2) If you elect to monitor HCl and/or HF emissions continuously, you must meet the electronic reporting requirements of appendix B to this subpart. Notwithstanding this requirement, if you opt to certify your HCl monitor according to Performance Specification 18 in appendix B to part 60 of this chapter and to use Procedure 6 in appendix F to part 60 of this chapter for on-going QA of the monitor, then, on and prior to December 31, 2023, report only hourly HCl emissions data and the results of daily calibration drift tests and relative accuracy test audits (RATAs) performed on or prior to that date; keep records of all of the other required certification and QA tests and report them, starting in 2024.

(3) If you elect to monitor filterable PM emissions continuously, you must meet the electronic reporting requirements of appendix C to this subpart. Electronic reporting of hourly PM emissions data shall begin with the later of the first operating hour on or after January 1, 2024; or the first operating hour after completion of the initial PM CEMS correlation test.

(4) If you elect to demonstrate continuous compliance using a PM CPMS, you must meet the electronic reporting requirements of appendix D to this subpart. Electronic reporting of the hourly PM CPMS output shall begin with the later of the first operating hour on or after January 1, 2024; or the first operating hour after completion of the initial performance stack test that establishes the operating limit for the PM CPMS.

(5) If you elect to monitor SO2 emission rate continuously as a surrogate for HCl, you must use the ECMPS Client Tool to submit the following information to EPA (except where it is already required to be reported or has been previously provided under the Acid Rain Program or another emissions reduction program that requires the use of part 75 of this chapter):

(i) Monitoring plan information for the SO2 CEMS and for any additional monitoring systems that are required to convert SO2 concentrations to units of the emission standard, in accordance with sections 75.62 and 75.64(a)(4) of this chapter;

(ii) Certification, recertification, quality-assurance, and diagnostic test results for the SO2 CEMS and for any additional monitoring systems that are required to convert SO2 concentrations to units of the emission standard, in accordance with section 75.64(a)(5); and

(iii) Quarterly electronic emissions reports. You must submit an electronic quarterly report within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter, starting with a report for the calendar quarter in which the initial 30 boiler operating day performance test begins. Each report must include the following information:

(A) The applicable operating data specified in section 75.57(b) of this chapter;

(B) An hourly data stream for the unadjusted SO2 concentration (in ppm, rounded to one decimal place), and separate unadjusted hourly data streams for the other parameters needed to convert the SO2 concentrations to units of the standard. (Note: If a default moisture value is used in the emission rate calculations, an hourly data stream is not required for moisture; rather, the default value must be reported in the electronic monitoring plan.);

(C) An hourly SO2 emission rate data stream, in units of the standard (i.e., lb/MMBtu or lb/MWh, as applicable), calculated according to 40 CFR 63.10007(e) and (f)(1), rounded to the same precision as the emission standard (i.e., with one leading non-zero digit and one decimal place), expressed in scientific notation. Use the following rounding convention: If the digit immediately following the first decimal place is 5 or greater, round the first decimal place upward (increase it by one); if the digit immediately following the first decimal place is 4 or less, leave the first decimal place unchanged;

(D) The results of all required daily quality-assurance tests of the SO2 monitor and the additional monitors used to convert SO2 concentration to units of the standard, as specified in appendix B to part 75 of this chapter; and

(E) A compliance certification, which includes a statement, based on reasonable inquiry of those persons with primary responsibility for ensuring that all SO2 emissions from the affected EGUs under this subpart have been correctly and fully monitored, by a responsible official with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying that, to the best of his or her knowledge, the report is true, accurate, and complete. You must submit such a compliance certification statement in support of each quarterly report.

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