What must I include in my plan submittal?

§ 60.5740a What must I include in my plan submittal?

(a) In addition to the components of the plan listed in § 60.5735a, a state plan submittal to the EPA must include the information in paragraphs (a)(1) through (8) of this section. This information must be submitted to the EPA as part of your plan submittal but will not be codified as part of the federally enforceable plan upon approval by EPA.

(1) You must include a summary of how you determined each standard of performance for each designated facility according to § 60.5755a(a). You must include in the summary an evaluation of the applicability of each of the following heat rate improvements to each designated facility:

(i) Neural network/intelligent sootblowers;

(ii) Boiler feed pumps;

(iii) Air heater and duct leakage control;

(iv) Variable frequency drives;

(v) Blade path upgrades for steam turbines;

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