What must I include in my application?

§ 1054.205 What must I include in my application?

This section specifies the information that must be in your application, unless we ask you to include less information under § 1054.201(c). We may require you to provide additional information to evaluate your application. The provisions of this section apply to integrated equipment manufacturers and engine manufacturers selling loose engines. Nonintegrated equipment manufacturers must follow the requirements of 40 CFR part 1060.

(a) Describe the emission family's specifications and other basic parameters of the engine's design and emission controls. List the fuel type on which your engines are designed to operate (for example, all-season gasoline). List each distinguishable engine configuration in the emission family. For each engine configuration in which the maximum modal power of the emission-data engine is at or above 25 kW (or power at or above 15 kW if displacement is above 1000 cc), list the maximum engine power and the range of values for maximum engine power resulting from production tolerances, as described in § 1054.140.

(b) Explain how the emission control systems operate. Describe the evaporative emission controls and show how your design will prevent running loss emissions, if applicable. Also describe in detail all system components for controlling exhaust emissions, including all auxiliary emission control devices (AECDs) and all fuel-system components you will install on any production or test engine. Identify the part number of each component you describe. For this paragraph (b), treat as separate AECDs any devices that modulate or activate differently from each other. Include sufficient detail to allow us to evaluate whether the AECDs are consistent with the defeat device prohibition of § 1054.115. For example, if your engines will routinely experience in-use operation that differs from the specified duty cycle for certification, describe how the fuel-metering system responds to varying speeds and loads not represented by the duty cycle. If you test an emission-data engine by disabling the governor for full-load operation such that the engine operates at an air-fuel ratio significantly different than under full-load operation with an installed governor, explain why these differences are necessary or appropriate. For conventional carbureted engines without electronic fuel controls, it is sufficient to state that there is no significant difference in air-fuel ratios.

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