What do I need to know about accounts for minors who have not had a legal guardian appointed by a court?

§ 363.27 What do I need to know about accounts for minors who have not had a legal guardian appointed by a court?

(a) We do not permit a minor to purchase securities.

(b) Opening an account in the name of a minor. (1) A parent or an individual who provides the chief financial support of a minor may open an account for a minor. The person opening the account for a minor is referred to as the custodian of the minor's account.

(2) The custodian is a fiduciary for the minor as to the securities held in the minor's account.

(3) The custodian must have an existing primary TreasuryDirect ® account in order to open the minor's account.

(i) The minor's account is an account that is linked to the custodian's primary account.

(ii) The custodian must use his or her primary TreasuryDirect account as a portal to open and access the minor's account.

(4) Securities contained in the minor's account will be registered in the name and SSN of the minor, in either sole owner, owner with beneficiary, or primary owner with secondary owner forms of registration.

(c) Procedure for opening an account for a minor. (1) Online instructions will be provided for establishing an account for a minor.

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