What definitions apply under the TANF regulations?

§ 260.30 What definitions apply under the TANF regulations?

The following definitions apply under parts 260 through 265 of this chapter:

ACF means the Administration for Children and Families.

Act means Social Security Act, unless otherwise specified.

Adjusted State Family Assistance Grant, or adjusted SFAG, means the SFAG amount, minus any reductions for Tribal Family Assistance Grants paid to Tribal grantees on behalf of Indian families residing in the State and any transfers to the Social Services Block Grant or the Child Care and Development Block Grant.

Administrative costs has the meaning specified at § 263.0(b) of this chapter.

Adult means an individual who is not a “minor child,” as defined elsewhere in this section.

AFDC means Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children means the welfare program in effect under title IV-A of prior law.

Assistance has the meaning specified at § 260.31.

Basic MOE means the expenditure of State funds that must be made in order to meet the MOE requirement at section 409(a)(7) of the Act.

Cash assistance, when provided to participants in the Welfare-to-Work program (WtW), has the meaning specified at § 260.32.

CCDBG means the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.

CCDF means the Child Care and Development Fund, or those child care programs and services funded either under section 418(a) of the Act or CCDBG.

Commingled State TANF expenditures means expenditures of State funds that are made within the TANF program and commingled with Federal TANF funds.

Contingency fund means Federal TANF funds available under section 403(b) of the Act, and contingency funds means the Federal monies made available to States under that section. Neither term includes any State funds expended pursuant to section 403(b).

Contingency fund MOE means the MOE expenditures that a State must make in order to meet the MOE requirements at sections 403(b)(6) and 409(a)(10) of the Act and subpart B of part 264 of this chapter and retain contingency funds made available to the State. The only expenditures that qualify for Contingency Fund MOE are State TANF expenditures.

Control group is a term relevant to continuation of a “waiver” and has the meaning specified at § 260.71.

Countable State expenditures has the meaning specified at § 264.0 of this chapter.

Discretionary fund of the CCDF refers to child care funds appropriated under the CCDBG.

EA means Emergency Assistance.

Eligible State means a State that, during the 27-month period ending with the close of the first quarter of the fiscal year, has submitted a TANF plan that we have determined is complete.

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