What definitions apply to this subpart?

§ 63.2872 What definitions apply to this subpart?

Terms used in this subpart are defined in the sources listed:

(a) The Clean Air Act, section 112(a).

(b) In 40 CFR 63.2, the NESHAP General Provisions.

(c) In this section as follows:

Accounting month means a time interval defined by a business firm during which corporate economic and financial factors are determined on a consistent and regular basis. An accounting month will consist of approximately 4 to 5 calendar weeks and each accounting month will be of approximate equal duration. An accounting month may not correspond exactly to a calendar month, but 12 accounting months will correspond exactly to a calendar year.

Actual solvent loss means the gallons of solvent lost from a source during 12 operating months as determined in accordance with § 63.2853.

Agricultural product means any commercially grown plant or plant product.

Allowable HAP loss means the gallons of HAP that would have been lost from a source if the source was operating at the solvent loss factor for each listed oilseed type. The allowable HAP loss in gallons is determined by multiplying the tons of each oilseed type processed during the previous 12 operating months, as determined in accordance with § 63.2855, by the corresponding oilseed solvent loss factor (gal/ton) listed in Table 1 of § 63.2840, and by the dimensionless constant 0.64, and summing the result for all oilseed types processed.

Area source means any source that does not meet the major source definition.

As received is the basis upon which all oilseed measurements must be determined and refers to the oilseed chemical and physical characteristics as initially received by the source and prior to any oilseed handling and processing.

Batch operation means any process that operates in a manner where the addition of raw material and withdrawal of product do not occur simultaneously. Typically, raw material is added to a process, operational steps occur, and a product is removed from the process. More raw material is then added to the process and the cycle repeats.

Calendar month means 1 month as specified in a calendar.

Compliance date means the date on which monthly compliance recordkeeping begins. For existing sources, recordkeeping typically begins 3 years after the effective date of the subpart. For new and reconstructed sources, recordkeeping typically begins upon initial startup, except as noted in § 63.2834.

Compliance ratio means a ratio of the actual HAP loss in gallons from the previous 12 operating months to an allowable HAP loss in gallons, which is determined by using oilseed solvent loss factors in Table 1 of § 63.2840, the weighted average volume fraction of HAP in solvent received for the previous 12 operating months, and the tons of each type of listed oilseed processed in the previous 12 operating months. Months during which no listed oilseed is processed, or months during which the § 63.2850(c)(2) or (d)(2) initial startup period or, before September 15, 2020, the § 63.2850(e)(2) malfunction period applies, are excluded from this calculation. Equation 2 of § 63.2840 is used to calculate this value. If the value is less than or equal to 1.00, the source is in compliance. If the value is greater than 1.00, the source is deviating from compliance.

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