What definitions apply to this subpart?

§ 63.2550 What definitions apply to this subpart?

(a) For an affected source complying with the requirements in subpart SS of this part 63, the terms used in this subpart and in subpart SS of this part 63 have the meaning given them in § 63.981, except as specified in §§ 63.2450(k)(2) and (m), 63.2470(c)(2), 63.2475(b), and paragraph (i) of this section.

(b) For an affected source complying with the requirements in 40 CFR part 65, subpart F, the terms used in this subpart and in 40 CFR part 65, subpart F have the meaning given to them in § 65.2.

(c) For an affected source complying with the requirements in subpart UU of this part 63, the terms used in this subpart and in subpart UU of this part 63 have the meaning given them in § 63.1020.

(d) For an affected source complying with the requirements in subpart WW of this part 63, the terms used in this subpart and subpart WW of this part 63 have the meaning given them in § 63.1061, except as specified in §§ 63.2450(m), 63.2470(c)(2), and paragraph (i) of this section.

(e) For an affected source complying with the requirements in §§ 63.132 through 63.149, the terms used in this subpart and §§ 63.132 through 63.149 have the meaning given them in §§ 63.101 and 63.111, except as specified in § 63.2450(m) and paragraph (i) of this section.

(f) For an affected source complying with the requirements in §§ 63.104 and 63.105, the terms used in this subpart and in §§ 63.104 and 63.105 of this subpart have the meaning given them in § 63.101, except as specified in §§ 63.2450(m), 63.2490(b), and paragraph (i) of this section.

(g) For an affected source complying with requirements in §§ 63.1253, 63.1257, and 63.1258, the terms used in this subpart and in §§ 63.1253, 63.1257, and 63.1258 have the meaning given them in § 63.1251, except as specified in § 63.2450(m) and paragraph (i) of this section.

(h) For an affected source complying with the requirements in 40 CFR part 65, subpart F, the terms used in this subpart and in 40 CFR part 65, subpart F, have the meaning given them in 40 CFR 65.2.

(i) All other terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act (CAA), in 40 CFR 63.2, and in this paragraph (i). If a term is defined in § 63.2, § 63.101, § 63.111, § 63.981, § 63.1020, § 63.1061, § 63.1251, or § 65.2 and in this paragraph (i), the definition in this paragraph (i) applies for the purposes of this subpart.

Ancillary activities means boilers and incinerators (not used to comply with the emission limits in Tables 1 through 7 to this subpart), chillers and refrigeration systems, and other equipment and activities that are not directly involved (i.e., they operate within a closed system and materials are not combined with process fluids) in the processing of raw materials or the manufacturing of a product or isolated intermediate.

Batch operation means a noncontinuous operation involving intermittent or discontinuous feed into equipment, and, in general, involves the emptying of the equipment after the operation ceases and prior to beginning a new operation. Addition of raw material and withdrawal of product do not occur simultaneously in a batch operation.

Batch process vent means a vent from a unit operation or vents from multiple unit operations within a process that are manifolded together into a common header, through which a HAP-containing gas stream is, or has the potential to be, released to the atmosphere. Examples of batch process vents include, but are not limited to, vents on condensers used for product recovery, reactors, filters, centrifuges, and process tanks. The following are not batch process vents for the purposes of this subpart:

(1) Continuous process vents;

(2) Bottoms receivers;

(3) Surge control vessels;

(4) Gaseous streams routed to a fuel gas system(s) unless on and after August 12, 2023, the fuel gas system(s) supplies a flare of which 50 percent or more of the fuel gas burned in the flare is derived from an MCPU that has processes and/or equipment in ethylene oxide service, or produces olefins or polyolefins;

(5) Vents on storage tanks, wastewater emission sources, or pieces of equipment subject to the emission limits and work practice standards in Tables 4, 6, and 7 to this subpart;

(6) Drums, pails, and totes;

(7) Flexible elephant trunk systems that draw ambient air (i.e., the system is not ducted, piped, or otherwise connected to the unit operations) away from operators when vessels are opened; and

(8) Except for batch process vents in ethylene oxide service, emission streams from emission episodes that are undiluted and uncontrolled containing less than 50 ppmv HAP are not part of any batch process vent. A vent from a unit operation, or a vent from multiple unit operations that are manifolded together, from which total uncontrolled HAP emissions are less than 200 lb/yr is not a batch process vent; emissions for all emission episodes associated with the unit operation(s) must be included in the determination of the total mass emitted. The HAP concentration or mass emission rate may be determined using any of the following: Process knowledge that no HAP are present in the emission stream; an engineering assessment as discussed in § 63.1257(d)(2)(ii), except that you do not need to demonstrate that the equations in § 63.1257(d)(2)(i) do not apply, and the precompliance reporting requirements specified in § 63.1257(d)(2)(ii)(E) do not apply for the purposes of this demonstration; equations specified in § 63.1257(d)(2)(i), as applicable; test data using Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A; or any other test method that has been validated according to the procedures in EPA Method 301 of appendix A to this part.

Bench-scale process means a process (other than a research and development facility) that is operated on a small scale, such as one capable of being located on a laboratory bench top. This bench-scale equipment will typically include reagent feed vessels, a small reactor and associated product separator, recovery and holding equipment. These processes are only capable of producing small quantities of product.

Biofilter means an enclosed control system such as a tank or series of tanks with a fixed roof that contact emissions with a solid media (such as bark) and use microbiological activity to transform organic pollutants in a process vent stream to innocuous compounds such as carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts. Wastewater treatment processes such as aeration lagoons or activated sludge systems are not considered to be biofilters.

Bottoms receiver means a tank that collects bottoms from continuous distillation before the stream is sent for storage or for further downstream processing.

Breakthrough means the time when the level of HAP or TOC, measured at the outlet of the first bed, has been detected is at the highest concentration allowed to be discharged from the adsorber system and indicates that the adsorber bed should be replaced.

Construction means the onsite fabrication, erection, or installation of an affected source or MCPU. Addition of new equipment to an MCPU subject to existing source standards does not constitute construction, but it may constitute reconstruction of the affected source or MCPU if it satisfies the definition of reconstruction in § 63.2.

Consumption means the quantity of all HAP raw materials entering a process in excess of the theoretical amount used as reactant, assuming 100 percent stoichiometric conversion. The raw materials include reactants, solvents, and any other additives. If a HAP is generated in the process as well as added as a raw material, consumption includes the quantity generated in the process.

Continuous operation means any operation that is not a batch operation.

Continuous process vent means the point of discharge to the atmosphere (or the point of entry into a control device, if any) of a gas stream if the gas stream has the characteristics specified in § 63.107(b) through (h), or meets the criteria specified in § 63.107(i), except:

(1) The reference in § 63.107(e) to a chemical manufacturing process unit that meets the criteria of § 63.100(b) means an MCPU that meets the criteria of § 63.2435(b);

(2) The reference in § 63.107(h)(4) to § 63.113 means Table 1 to this subpart;

(3) The references in § 63.107(h)(7) to §§ 63.119 and 63.126 mean tables 4 and 5 to this subpart; and

(4) For the purposes of § 63.2455, all references to the characteristics of a process vent (e.g., flowrate, total HAP concentration, or TRE index value) mean the characteristics of the gas stream.

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