What definitions apply to this part?

§ 286.5 What definitions apply to this part?

The following definitions apply under this part:

ACF means the Administration for Children and Families.

Act means the Social Security Act, unless otherwise specified.

Administrative cost means costs necessary for the proper administration of the TANF program.

(1) It excludes the direct costs of providing program services.

(i) For example, it excludes costs of providing diversion benefits and services, providing program information to clients, screening and assessments, development of employability plans, work activities, post-employment services, work supports, information on and referral to Medicaid, Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Food Stamp and Native Employment Works (NEW) programs and case management.

(ii) It excludes the salaries and benefit costs for staff providing program services and the direct administrative costs associated with providing the services, such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, rental of office space and maintenance of office space, and

(iii) It excludes information technology and computerization needed for tracking and monitoring.

(2) It includes the costs for general administration and coordination of this program, including contract costs for these functions and indirect (or overhead) costs. Some examples of administrative costs include, but are not limited to:

(i) Salaries and benefits and all other direct costs not associated with providing program services to individuals, including staff performing administrative and coordination functions;

(ii) Preparation of program plans, budgets, and schedules;

(iii) Monitoring of programs and projects;

(iv) Fraud and abuse units;

(v) Procurement activities;

(vi) Public relations;

(vii) Services related to accounting, litigation, audits, management of property, payroll, and personnel;

(viii) Costs for the goods and services required for administration of the program such as the costs for supplies, equipment, travel, postage, utilities, and rental of office space and maintenance of office space, provided that such costs are not excluded as a direct administrative cost for providing program services under paragraph (1) of this definition;

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