What compliance provisions apply?

§ 1054.601 What compliance provisions apply?

(a) Engine and equipment manufacturers, as well as owners, operators, and rebuilders of engines subject to the requirements of this part, and all other persons, must observe the provisions of this part, the requirements and prohibitions in 40 CFR part 1068, and the provisions of the Clean Air Act.

(b) Note that the provisions of 40 CFR 1068.103(f) prohibit engine manufacturers from deviating from normal production and inventory practices to stockpile engines with a date of manufacture before new or changed emission standards take effect. If your normal practice for producing engines subject to this part 1054 includes maintaining engines in inventory for some engine families for more than 12 months, you must get our prior approval to continue this practice for model years in which emission standards change. Include in your request information showing that this is necessary and it is consistent with your normal business practice. Unless we specify otherwise, include relevant inventory and production records from the preceding eight years. Note that 40 CFR 1068.103(f) applies to any engines inventoried beyond your normal practice and authorizes us to review your records to verify your normal practices, whether or not you maintain the engines in inventory for more than 12 months.

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