What compliance options do I have if part of my plant is subject to both this subpart and another Federal standard?

§ 63.11500 What compliance options do I have if part of my plant is subject to both this subpart and another Federal standard?

For any CMPU, heat exchange system, or wastewater system subject to the provisions of both this subpart and another rule, you may elect to comply only with the more stringent provisions as specified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. You must consider all provisions of the rules, including monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting. You must identify the subject CMPU, heat exchange system, and/or wastewater system, and the provisions with which you will comply in your NOCS report required by § 63.11501(b). You also must demonstrate in your NOCS report that each provision with which you will comply is at least as stringent as the otherwise applicable requirement in this subpart VVVVVV. You are responsible for making accurate determinations concerning the more stringent standards and noncompliance with this rule is not excused if it is later determined that your determination was in error and, as a result, you are violating this subpart. Compliance with this rule is your responsibility and the NOCS report does not alter or affect that responsibility.

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