What are the steps in the process?

§ 50.406 What are the steps in the process?

(a) A grantee with respect to whom an adverse determination described in § 50.404(a) above has been made and who desires a review of that determination must submit a request for such review to the head of the appropriate agency or his or her designee no later than 30 days after the written notification of the determination is received, except that if the grantee shows good cause why an extension of time should be granted, the head of the appropriate agency or his or her designee may grant an extension of time.

(b) The request for review must include a copy of the adverse determination, must identify the issue(s) in dispute, and must contain a full statement of the grantee's position with respect to such issue(s) and the pertinent facts and reasons in support of the grantee's position. In addition to the required written statement, the grantee shall provide copies of any documents supporting its claim.

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