What are the replacement standards for hazardous waste incinerators?

§ 63.1219 What are the replacement standards for hazardous waste incinerators?

(a) Emission limits for existing sources. You must not discharge or cause combustion gases to be emitted into the atmosphere that contain:

(1) For dioxins and furans:

(i) For incinerators equipped with either a waste heat boiler or dry air pollution control system, either:

(A) Emissions in excess of 0.20 ng TEQ/dscm, corrected to 7 percent oxygen; or

(B) Emissions in excess of 0.40 ng TEQ/dscm, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, provided that the combustion gas temperature at the inlet to the initial particulate matter control device is 400 °F or lower based on the average of the test run average temperatures. (For purposes of compliance, operation of a wet particulate matter control device is presumed to meet the 400 °F or lower requirement);

(ii) Emissions in excess of 0.40 ng TEQ/dscm, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, for incinerators not equipped with either a waste heat boiler or dry air pollution control system;

(iii) A source equipped with a wet air pollution control system followed by a dry air pollution control system is not considered to be a dry air pollution control system, and a source equipped with a dry air pollution control system followed by a wet air pollution control system is considered to be a dry air pollution control system for purposes of this standard;

(2) Mercury in excess of 130 µgm/dscm, corrected to 7 percent oxygen;

(3) Cadmium and lead in excess of 230 µgm/dscm, combined emissions, corrected to 7 percent oxygen;

(4) Arsenic, beryllium, and chromium in excess of 92 µgm/dscm, combined emissions, corrected to 7 percent oxygen;

(5) For carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons, either:

(i) Carbon monoxide in excess of 100 parts per million by volume, over an hourly rolling average (monitored continuously with a continuous emissions monitoring system), dry basis and corrected to 7 percent oxygen. If you elect to comply with this carbon monoxide standard rather than the hydrocarbon standard under paragraph (a)(5)(ii) of this section, you must also document that, during the destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) test runs or their equivalent as provided by § 63.1206(b)(7), hydrocarbons do not exceed 10 parts per million by volume during those runs, over an hourly rolling average (monitored continuously with a continuous emissions monitoring system), dry basis, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, and reported as propane; or

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