What are the notification requirements?

§ 63.1210 What are the notification requirements?

(a) Summary of requirements. (1) You must submit the following notifications to the Administrator:

Reference Notification
63.9(b)Initial notifications that you are subject to Subpart EEE of this Part.
63.9(d)Notification that you are subject to special compliance requirements.
63.9(j)Notification and documentation of any change in information already provided under § 63.9.
63.1206(b)(5)(i)Notification of changes in design, operation, or maintenance.
63.1206(c)(8)(iv)Notification of excessive bag leak detection system exceedances.
63.1206(c)(9)(v)Notification of excessive particulate matter detection system exceedances.
63.1207(e), 63.9(e) 63.9(g)(1) and (3)Notification of performance test and continuous monitoring system evaluation, including the performance test plan and CMS performance evaluation plan. 1
63.1210(b)Notification of intent to comply.
63.1210(d), 63.1207(j), 63.1207(k), 63.1207(l), 63.9(h), 63.10(d)(2), 63.10(e)(2)Notification of compliance, including results of performance tests and continuous monitoring system performance evaluations.

1 You may also be required on a case-by-case basis to submit a feedstream analysis plan under § 63.1209(c)(3).

(2) You must submit the following notifications to the Administrator if you request or elect to comply with alternative requirements:

Reference Notification, request, petition, or application
63.9(i)You may request an adjustment to time periods or postmark deadlines for submittal and review of required information.
63.10(e)(3)(ii)You may request to reduce the frequency of excess emissions and CMS performance reports.
63.10(f)You may request to waive recordkeeping or reporting requirements.
63.1204(d)(2)(iii), 63.1220(d)(2)(iii)Notification that you elect to comply with the emission averaging requirements for cement kilns with in-line raw mills.
63.1204(e)(2)(iii), 63.1220(e)(2)(iii)Notification that you elect to comply with the emission averaging requirements for preheater or preheater/precalciner kilns with dual stacks.
63.1206(b)(4), 63.1213, 63.6(i), 63.9(c)You may request an extension of the compliance date for up to one year.
63.1206(b)(5)(i)(C)You may request to burn hazardous waste for more than 720 hours and for purposes other than testing or pretesting after making a change in the design or operation that could affect compliance with emission standards and prior to submitting a revised Notification of Compliance.
63.1206(b)(8)(iii)(B)If you elect to conduct particulate matter CEMS correlation testing and wish to have federal particulate matter and opacity standards and associated operating limits waived during the testing, you must notify the Administrator by submitting the correlation test plan for review and approval.
63.1206(b)(8)(v)You may request approval to have the particulate matter and opacity standards and associated operating limits and conditions waived for more than 96 hours for a correlation test.
63.1206(b)(9)Owners and operators of lightweight aggregate kilns may request approval of alternative emission standards for mercury, semivolatile metal, low volatile metal, and hydrogen chloride/chlorine gas under certain conditions.
63.1206(b)(10)Owners and operators of cement kilns may request approval of alternative emission standards for mercury, semivolatile metal, low volatile metal, and hydrogen chloride/chlorine gas under certain conditions.
63.1206(b)(14)Owners and operators of incinerators may elect to comply with an alternative to the particulate matter standard.
63.1206(b)(15)Owners and operators of cement and lightweight aggregate kilns may request to comply with the alternative to the interim standards for mercury.
63.1206(c)(2)(ii)(C)You may request to make changes to the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan.
63.1206(c)(5)(i)(C)You may request an alternative means of control to provide control of combustion system leaks.
63.1206(c)(5)(i)(D)You may request other techniques to prevent fugitive emissions without use of instantaneous pressure limits.
63.1207(c)(2)You may request to base initial compliance on data in lieu of a comprehensive performance test.
63.1207(d)(3)You may request more than 60 days to complete a performance test if additional time is needed for reasons beyond your control.
63.1207(e)(3), 63.7(h)You may request a time extension if the Administrator fails to approve or deny your test plan.
63.1207(h)(2)You may request to waive current operating parameter limits during pretesting for more than 720 hours.
63.1207(f)(1)(ii)(D)You may request a reduced hazardous waste feedstream analysis for organic hazardous air pollutants if the reduced analysis continues to be representative of organic hazardous air pollutants in your hazardous waste feedstreams.
63.1207(g)(2)(v)You may request to operate under a wider operating range for a parameter during confirmatory performance testing.
63.1207(i)You may request up to a one-year time extension for conducting a performance test (other than the initial comprehensive performance test) to consolidate testing with other state or federally-required testing.
63.1207(j)(4)You may request more than 90 days to submit a Notification of Compliance after completing a performance test if additional time is needed for reasons beyond your control.
63.1207(l)(3)After failure of a performance test, you may request to burn hazardous waste for more than 720 hours and for purposes other than testing or pretesting.
63.1209(a)(5), 63.8(f)You may request: (1) Approval of alternative monitoring methods for compliance with standards that are monitored with a CEMS; and (2) approval to use a CEMS in lieu of operating parameter limits.
63.1209(g)(1)You may request approval of: (1) Alternatives to operating parameter monitoring requirements, except for standards that you must monitor with a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) and except for requests to use a CEMS in lieu of operating parameter limits; or (2) a waiver of an operating parameter limit.
63.1209(l)(1)You may request to extrapolate mercury feedrate limits.
63.1209(n)(2)You may request to extrapolate semivolatile and low volatile metal feedrate limits.
63.1211(d)You may request to use data compression techniques to record data on a less frequent basis than required by § 63.1209.
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