What are my requirements for HAP emissions from sulfur recovery units?

§ 63.1568 What are my requirements for HAP emissions from sulfur recovery units?

(a) What emission limitations and work practice standard must I meet? You must:

(1) Meet each emission limitation in Table 29 of this subpart that applies to you. If your sulfur recovery unit is subject to the NSPS for sulfur oxides in § 60.104 or § 60.102a(f)(1) of this chapter, you must meet the emission limitations for NSPS units. If your sulfur recovery unit is not subject to one of these NSPS for sulfur oxides, you can choose from the options in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (ii) of this section:

(i) You can elect to meet the NSPS requirements in § 60.104(a)(2) or § 60.102a(f)(1) of this chapter (Option 1); or

(ii) You can elect to meet the total reduced sulfur (TRS) emission limitation (Option 2).

(2) Meet each operating limit in Table 30 of this subpart that applies to you.

(3) Prepare an operation, maintenance, and monitoring plan according to the requirements in § 63.1574(f) and operate at all times according to the procedures in the plan.

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