What are my options for meeting the standards for open molding and centrifugal casting operations at new and existing sources?

§ 63.5810 What are my options for meeting the standards for open molding and centrifugal casting operations at new and existing sources?

You must use one of the following methods in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section to meet the standards for open molding or centrifugal casting operations in Table 3 or 5 to this subpart. You may use any control method that reduces organic HAP emissions, including reducing resin and gel coat organic HAP content, changing to nonatomized mechanical application, using covered curing techniques, and routing part or all of your emissions to an add-on control. You may use different compliance options for the different operations listed in Table 3 or 5 to this subpart. The necessary calculations must be completed within 30 days after the end of each month. You may switch between the compliance options in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. When you change to an option based on a 12-month rolling average, you must base the average on the previous 12 months of data calculated using the compliance option you are changing to, unless you were previously using an option that did not require you to maintain records of resin and gel coat use. In this case, you must immediately begin collecting resin and gel coat use data and demonstrate compliance 12 months after changing options.

(a) Demonstrate that an individual resin or gel coat, as applied, meets the applicable emission limit in Table 3 or 5 to this subpart. (1) Calculate your actual organic HAP emissions factor for each different process stream within each operation type. A process stream is defined as each individual combination of resin or gel coat, application technique, and control technique. Process streams within operations types are considered different from each other if any of the following four characteristics vary: the neat resin plus or neat gel coat plus organic HAP content, the gel coat type, the application technique, or the control technique. You must calculate organic HAP emissions factors for each different process stream by using the appropriate equations in Table 1 to this subpart for open molding and for centrifugal casting, or site-specific organic HAP emissions factors discussed in § 63.5796. The emission factor calculation should include any and all emission reduction techniques used including any add-on controls. If you are using vapor suppressants to reduce HAP emissions, you must determine the vapor suppressant effectiveness (VSE) by conducting testing according to the procedures specified in appendix A to subpart WWWW of 40 CFR part 63. If you are using an add-on control device to reduce HAP emissions, you must determine the add-on control factor by conducting capture and control efficiency testing using the procedures specified in § 63.5850. The organic HAP emissions factor calculated from the equations in Table 1 to this subpart, or a site-specific emissions factor, is multiplied by the add-on control factor to calculate the organic HAP emissions factor after control. Use Equation 1 of this section to calculate the add-on control factor used in the organic HAP emissions factor equations.

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