What are my initial compliance requirements and by what date must I conduct them?

§ 63.11210 What are my initial compliance requirements and by what date must I conduct them?

(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission limit specified in Table 1 to this subpart that applies to you by either conducting performance (stack) tests, as applicable, according to § 63.11212 and Table 4 to this subpart or, for mercury, conducting fuel analyses, as applicable, according to § 63.11213 and Table 5 to this subpart.

(b) For existing affected boilers that have applicable emission limits, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the applicable emission limits no later than 180 days after the compliance date that is specified in § 63.11196 and according to the applicable provisions in § 63.7(a)(2), except as provided in paragraph (k) of this section.

(c) For existing affected boilers that have applicable work practice standards, management practices, or emission reduction measures, you must demonstrate initial compliance no later than the compliance date that is specified in § 63.11196 and according to the applicable provisions in § 63.7(a)(2), except as provided in paragraph (j) of this section.

(d) For new or reconstructed affected boilers that have applicable emission limits, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the applicable emission limits no later than 180 days after March 21, 2011 or within 180 days after startup of the source, whichever is later, according to § 63.7(a)(2)(ix).

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