What are my initial compliance requirements and by what date must I conduct them?

§ 63.10005 What are my initial compliance requirements and by what date must I conduct them?

(a) General requirements. For each of your affected EGUs, you must demonstrate initial compliance with each applicable emissions limit in Table 1 or 2 of this subpart through performance testing. Where two emissions limits are specified for a particular pollutant (e.g., a heat input-based limit in lb/MMBtu and a gross output-based limit in lb/MWh), you may demonstrate compliance with either emission limit. For a particular compliance demonstration, you may be required to conduct one or more of the following activities in conjunction with performance testing: collection of data, e.g., hourly gross output data (megawatts); establishment of operating limits according to § 63.10011 and Tables 4 and 7 to this subpart; and CMS performance evaluations. In all cases, you must demonstrate initial compliance no later than the date in paragraph (f) of this section for tune-up work practices for existing EGUs; the date that compliance must be demonstrated, as given in § 63.9984 for other requirements for existing EGUs; and in paragraph (g) of this section for all requirements for new EGUs.

(1) To demonstrate initial compliance with an applicable emissions limit in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart using stack testing, the initial performance test generally consists of three runs at specified process operating conditions using approved methods. If you are required to establish operating limits (see paragraph (d) of this section and Table 4 to this subpart), you must collect all applicable parametric data during the performance test period. Also, if you choose to comply with an electrical output-based emission limit, you must collect hourly electrical load data during the test period.

(2) To demonstrate initial compliance using either a CMS that measures HAP concentrations directly (i.e., an Hg, HCl, or HF CEMS, or a sorbent trap monitoring system) or an SO2 or PM CEMS, the initial performance test shall consist of 30- or, if applicable for Hg, 90-boiler operating days. If the CMS is certified prior to the compliance date (or, if applicable, the approved extended compliance date), the test shall begin with the first operating day on or after that date, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this section. If the CMS is not certified prior to the compliance date, the test shall begin with the first operating day after certification testing is successfully completed. In all cases, the initial 30- or 90- operating day averaging period must be completed on or before the date that compliance must be demonstrated (i.e., 180 days after the applicable compliance date).

(i) The CMS performance test must demonstrate compliance with the applicable Hg, HCl, HF, PM, or SO2 emissions limit in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart.

(ii) You must collect hourly data from auxiliary monitoring systems (i.e., stack gas flow rate, CO2, O2, or moisture, as applicable) during the performance test period, in order to convert the pollutant concentrations to units of the standard. If you choose to comply with a gross output-based emission limit, you must also collect hourly gross output data during the performance test period.

(iii) For a group of affected units that are in the same subcategory, are subject to the same emission standards, and share a common stack, if you elect to demonstrate compliance by monitoring emissions at the common stack, startup and shutdown emissions (if any) that occur during the 30-(or, if applicable, 90-) boiler operating day performance test must either be excluded from or included in the compliance demonstration as follows:

(A) If one of the units that shares the stack either starts up or shuts down at a time when none of the other units is operating, you must exclude all pollutant emission rates measured during the startup or shutdown period, unless you are using a sorbent trap monitoring system to measure Hg emissions and have elected to include startup and shutdown emissions in the compliance demonstrations;

(B) If all units that are currently operating are in the startup or shutdown mode, you must exclude all pollutant emission rates measured during the startup or shutdown period, unless you are using a sorbent trap monitoring system to measure Hg emissions and have elected to include startup and shutdown emissions in the compliance demonstrations; or

(C) If any unit starts up or shuts down at a time when another unit is operating, and the other unit is not in the startup or shutdown mode, you must include all pollutant emission rates measured during the startup or shutdown period in the compliance demonstrations.

(b) Performance testing requirements. If you choose to use performance testing to demonstrate initial compliance with the applicable emissions limits in Tables 1 and 2 to this subpart for your EGUs, you must conduct the tests according to 40 CFR 63.10007 and Table 5 to this subpart. Notwithstanding these requirements, when Table 5 specifies the use of isokinetic EPA test Method 5, 5D, 26A, or 29 for a stack test, if concurrent measurement of the stack gas flow rate or moisture content is needed to convert the pollutant concentrations to units of the standard, separate determination of these parameters using EPA test Method 2 or EPA test Method 4 is not necessary. Instead, the stack gas flow rate and moisture content can be determined from data that are collected during the EPA test Method 5, 5D, 6, 26A, or 29 test (e.g., pitot tube (delta P) readings, moisture collected in the impingers, etc.). For the purposes of the initial compliance demonstration, you may use test data and results from a performance test conducted prior to the date on which compliance is required as specified in 40 CFR 63.9984, provided that the following conditions are fully met:

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