What are the incentives for equipment manufacturers to use cleaner engines?

§ 1039.627 What are the incentives for equipment manufacturers to use cleaner engines?

This section allows equipment manufacturers to generate additional allowances under the provisions of § 1039.625 by producing equipment using engines at or above 19 kW certified to specified levels earlier than otherwise required.

(a) For early-compliant engines to generate offsets for use under this section, the following general provisions apply:

(1) The engine manufacturer must comply with the provisions of § 1039.104(a)(1) for the offset-generating engines.

(2) Engines you install in your equipment after December 31 of the years specified in § 1039.104(a)(1) do not generate allowances under this section, even if the engine manufacturer generated offsets for that engine under § 1039.104(a).

(3) Offset-generating engines must be certified to the following standards under this part 1039:

If the engine's maximum power is . . . And you install . . . Certified early to the . . . You may reduce the number of engines in the same power category that are required to meet the . . . In later model
years by . . .
(i) kW ≥19One engineEmissions standards in § 1039.101Standards in Tables 2 through 7 of § 1039.102 or in § 1039.101One engine.
(ii) 56 ≤kW <130Two enginesNOX standards in § 1039.102(e)(1), and NMHC standard of 0.19 g/kW-hr, a PM standard of 0.02 g/kW-hr, and a CO standard of 5.0 g/kW-hrStandards in Tables 2 through 7 of § 1039.102 or in § 1039.101One engine.
(iii) 130 ≤kW <560Two enginesNOX standards in § 1039.102(e)(2), an NMHC standard of 0.19 g/kW-hr, a PM standard of 0.02 g/kW-hr, and a CO standard of 3.5 g/kW-hrStandards in Tables 2 through 7 of § 1039.102 or in § 1039.101One engine.
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