What are the duties of the State entities?

§ 2550.80 What are the duties of the State entities?

Both State commissions and AAEs have the same duties. This section lists the duties that apply to both State commissions and AAEs—collectively referred to as State entities. Functions described in paragraphs (e) through (j) of this section are non-policymaking and may be delegated to another State agency or nonprofit organization. The duties are as follows:

(a) Development of a three-year, comprehensive national and community service plan and establishment of State priorities. The State entity must develop and annually update a Statewide plan for national service covering a three-year period, the beginning of which may be set by the State, that is consistent with the Corporation's broad goals of meeting human, educational, environmental, and public safety needs and meets the following minimum requirements:

(1) The plan must be developed through an open and public process (such as through regional forums or hearings) that provides for the maximum participation and input from a broad cross-section of individuals and organizations, including national service programs within the State, community-based agencies, organizations with a demonstrated record of providing educational, public safety, human, or environmental services, residents of the State, including youth and other prospective participants, State Educational Agencies, traditional service organizations, labor unions, and other interested members of the public.

(2) The plan must ensure outreach to diverse, broad-based community organizations that serve underrepresented populations by creating State networks and registries or by utilizing existing ones.

(3) The plan must set forth the State's goals, priorities, and strategies for promoting national and community service and strengthening its service infrastructure, including how Corporation-funded programs fit into the plan.

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