What are the conditions of obligated service?

§ 64a.105 What are the conditions of obligated service?

In order to receive a clinical traineeship an individual must comply with the following conditions:

(a) Written assurance. Prior to the award of a clinical traineeship, the individual must sign a written assurance (in such form and manner as the Secretary prescribes) that he or she will satisfy the requirements of this section.

(b) Commencement and crediting of service. (1) An individual must start the obligated service within twenty-four months after termination of the clinical traineeship and carry out the service on a continuous basis unless, as specified in paragraph (e) of this section, the individual has requested and had approved, respectively, an extension of the time for beginning the service, or a break in service.

(2) Following termination of the traineeship, the individual must annually provide (in such form and manner as the Secretary prescribes) a written report describing those previous years' activities which are related to service that fulfills the payback obligation. The Secretary will review this report and credit all service performed in those categories specified in paragraph (d) of this section toward the individual's payback obligation, except any service which is performed:

(i) Before termination of the individual's clinical traineeship; and

(ii) As part of any activity, such as course work, preparation of a dissertation or thesis, or practicum, which is needed to complete the training for which the individual received the traineeship.

(c) Duration of obligation. The period of service payback must equal the period of support under the clinical traineeship on a month for month basis.

(d) Performance of the obligated service—(1) General requirements. The obligated service must consist of the provision of service for which the individual was trained (in the training program for which the clinical traineeship was received) and must be performed on a full-time basis (not less than 30 hours per week averaged over the obligated service period).

(2) Preferred service. Except as provided under paragraph (d)(3) of this section, the individual must provide the obligated service in:

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