What alternative GHG standards apply to fugitive emissions components designated facilities and what inspection and monitoring requirements apply to covers and closed vent systems when using an alternative technology?

§ 60.5398c What alternative GHG standards apply to fugitive emissions components designated facilities and what inspection and monitoring requirements apply to covers and closed vent systems when using an alternative technology?

This section provides alternative GHG standards for fugitive emissions components designated facilities in § 60.5397c and alternative continuous inspection and monitoring requirements for covers and closed vent systems in § 60.5416c(a)(1)(ii) and (iii), (2)(ii) through (iv), and (3)(iii) and (iv). If you choose to use an alternative standard under this section, you must submit the notification under paragraph (a) of this section. If you choose to demonstrate compliance with the alternative GHG standards through periodic screening, you are subject to the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section. If you choose to demonstrate compliance through a continuous monitoring system, you are subject to the requirements in paragraph (c) of this section. The technology used for periodic screenings under paragraph (b) of this section or continuous monitoring under paragraph (c) of this section must be approved in accordance with § 60.5398b(d).

(a) Notification. If you choose to demonstrate compliance with the alternative GHG standards in either paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, you must notify the Administrator of adoption of the alternative standards in the first annual report following implementation of the alternative standards, as specified in § 60.5424c(a). Once you have implemented the alternative standards, you must continue to comply with the alternative standards.

(b) Periodic Screening. You may choose to demonstrate compliance for your fugitive emissions components designated facility and compliance with continuous inspection and monitoring requirements for your covers and closed vent systems through periodic screenings using any methane measurement technology approved in accordance with § 60.5398b(d). If you choose to demonstrate compliance using periodic screenings, you must comply with the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section and comply with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in § 60.5424c.

(1) You must use one or more alternative test method(s) approved per § 60.5398b(d) to conduct periodic screenings.

(i) The required frequencies for conducting periodic screenings are listed in tables 2 and 3 to this subpart. You must choose the appropriate frequency for conducting periodic screenings based on the minimum aggregate detection threshold of the method used to conduct the periodic screenings. You must also use tables 2 and 3 to this subpart to determine whether you must conduct an annual fugitive emissions survey using OGI, except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section.

(ii) Use of table 2 or 3 to this subpart is based on the required frequency for conducting monitoring surveys in § 60.5397c(g)(1)(i) through (v).

(iii) You may replace one or more individual periodic screening events required by table 2 or 3 to this subpart with an OGI survey. The OGI survey must be conducted according to the requirements outlined in § 60.5397c.

(iv) If you use multiple methods to conduct periodic screenings, you must conduct all periodic screenings, regardless of the method used for the individual periodic screening event, at the frequency required for the alternative test method with the highest aggregate detection threshold (e.g., if you use methods with aggregate detection thresholds of 15 kg/hr, your periodic screenings must be conducted monthly). You must also conduct an annual OGI survey if an annual OGI survey is required for the alternative test method with the highest aggregate detection threshold.

(2) You must develop a monitoring plan that covers the collection of fugitive emissions components, covers, and closed vent systems at each site where you will use periodic screenings to demonstrate compliance. You may develop a site-specific monitoring plan, or you may include multiple sites that you own or operate in one plan. At a minimum, the monitoring plan must contain the information specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) through (ix) of this section.

(i) Identification of each site that will be monitored through periodic screening, including latitude and longitude coordinates of the site in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five decimals of a degree using the North American Datum of 1983.

(ii) Identification of the alternative test method(s) approved per § 60.5398b(d) that will be used for periodic screenings and the spatial resolution (i.e., component-level, area-level, or facility-level) of the technology used for each method.

(iii) Identification of and contact information for the entities that will be performing the periodic screenings.

(iv) Required frequency for conducting periodic screenings, based on the criteria outlined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(v) If you are required to conduct an annual OGI survey by paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (iii) of this section or you choose to replace any individual screening event with an OGI survey, your monitoring plan must also include the information required by § 60.5397c(b).

(vi) Procedures for conducting monitoring surveys required by paragraphs (b)(5)(ii)(A), (b)(5)(iii)(A), and (b)(5)(iv)(A) of this section. At a minimum, your monitoring plan must include the information required by § 60.5397c(c)(2), (3), (7), and (8) and § 60.5397c(d), as applicable. The provisions of § 60.5397c(d)(3) do not apply for purposes of conducting monitoring surveys required by paragraphs (b)(5)(ii) through (iv) of this section.

(vii) Procedures and timeframes for identifying and repairing fugitive emissions components, covers, and closed vent systems from which emissions are detected.

(viii) Procedures and timeframes for verifying repairs for fugitive emissions components, covers, and closed vent systems.

(ix) Records that will be kept and the length of time records will be kept.

(3) You must conduct the initial screening of your site according to the timeframes specified in (b)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section.

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