What additional requirements apply to State Domestic Violence Coalitions?

§ 1370.20 What additional requirements apply to State Domestic Violence Coalitions?

(a) State Domestic Violence Coalitions reflect a Federal commitment to reducing domestic violence; to urge States, localities, cities, and the private sector to improve the responses to and the prevention of domestic violence and encourage stakeholders and service providers to plan toward an integrated service delivery approach that meets the needs of all victims, including those in underserved communities; to provide for technical assistance and training relating to domestic violence programs; and to increase public awareness about and prevention of domestic violence and increase the quality and availability of shelter and supportive services for victims of domestic violence and their dependents.

(b) To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, an organization shall be a Statewide, non-governmental, non-profit 501(c)(3) domestic violence coalition, designated as such by the Department. To obtain this designation the organization must meet the following criteria:

(1) The membership must include representatives from a majority of the primary-purpose domestic violence service providers operating within the State (a Coalition also may include representatives of Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations as defined in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act);

(2) The Board membership of the Coalition must be representative of such programs, and may include representatives of communities in which the services are being provided in the State;

(3) Financial sustainability of State Domestic Violence Coalitions, as independent, autonomous non-profit organizations, also must be supported by their membership, including those member representatives on the Coalitions' Boards of Directors;

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