What additional requirements apply to State and Indian Tribal grants?

§ 1370.10 What additional requirements apply to State and Indian Tribal grants?

(a) These grants assist States and Tribes to support the establishment, maintenance, and expansion of programs and projects to prevent incidents of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence; to provide immediate shelter, supportive services, and access to community-based programs for victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents; and to provide specialized services for children exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, including victims who are members of underserved populations. States must consult with and provide for the participation of State Domestic Violence Coalitions and Tribal Coalitions in the planning and monitoring of the distribution and administration of subgrant programs and projects. At a minimum to further FVPSA requirements, States and State Domestic Violence Coalitions will work together to determine grant priorities based upon jointly identified needs; to identify strategies to address needs; to define mutual expectations regarding programmatic performance and monitoring; and to implement an annual collaboration plan that incorporates concrete steps for accomplishing these tasks. If States also fund State Domestic Violence Coalitions to provide training, technical assistance, or other programming, nothing in this rule is intended to conflict with State contracting requirements regarding conflicts of interest but rather that this rule's requirements should be interpreted to complement States' contracting and procurement laws and regulations. States must involve community-based organizations that primarily serve underserved populations, including culturally- and linguistically-specific populations, to determine how such populations can assist the States in serving the unmet needs of underserved populations and culturally- and linguistically-specific populations. Tribes should be involved in these processes where appropriate, but this rule is not intended to encroach upon Tribal sovereignty. States also must consult with and provide for the participation of State Domestic Violence Coalitions and Tribal Coalitions in State planning and coordinate such planning with needs assessments to identify service gaps or problems and develop appropriate responsive plans and programs. Similar coordination and collaboration processes for Tribes and State Domestic Violence Coalitions are expected when feasible and appropriate with deference to Tribal sovereignty as previously indicated.

(b) A State application must be submitted by the Chief Executive of the State and signed by the Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Program Official designated as responsible for the administration of FVPSA. Each application must contain the following information or documentation:

(1) The name of the State agency, the name and contact information for the Chief Program Official designated as responsible for the administration of funds under FVPSA and coordination of related programs within the State, and the name and contact information for a contact person if different from the Chief Program Official;

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