Waivers of State plan requirements.

§ 430.25 Waivers of State plan requirements.

(a) Scope of section. This section describes the purpose and effect of waivers, identifies the requirements that may be waived and the other regulations that apply to waivers, and sets forth the procedures that CMS follows in reviewing and taking action on waiver requests.

(b) Purpose of waivers. Waivers are intended to provide the flexibility needed to enable States to try new or different approaches to the efficient and cost-effective delivery of health care services, or to adapt their programs to the special needs of particular areas or groups of beneficiaries. Waivers allow exceptions to State plan requirements and permit a State to implement innovative programs or activities on a time-limited basis, and subject to specific safeguards for the protection of beneficiaries and the program. Detailed rules for waivers are set forth in subpart B of part 431, subpart A of part 440, and subpart G of part 441 of this chapter.

(c) Effect of waivers. (1) Waivers under section 1915(b) allow a State to take the following actions:

(i) Implement a primary care case-management system or a specialty physician system.

(ii) Designate a locality to act as central broker in assisting Medicaid beneficiaries to choose among competing health care plans.

(iii) Share with beneficiaries (through provision of additional services) cost-savings made possible through the beneficiaries' use of more cost-effective medical care.

(iv) Limit beneficiaries' choice of providers (except in emergency situations and with respect to family planning services) to providers that fully meet reimbursement, quality, and utilization standards, which are established under the State plan and are consistent with access, quality, and efficient and economical furnishing of care.

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