Variances from the recordkeeping rule.

§ 1904.38 Variances from the recordkeeping rule.

(a) Basic requirement. If you wish to keep records in a different manner from the manner prescribed by the part 1904 regulations, you may submit a variance petition to the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210. You can obtain a variance only if you can show that your alternative recordkeeping system:

(1) Collects the same information as this part requires;

(2) Meets the purposes of the Act; and

(3) Does not interfere with the administration of the Act.

(b) Implementation—(1) What do I need to include in my variance petition? You must include the following items in your petition:

(i) Your name and address;

(ii) A list of the State(s) where the variance would be used;

(iii) The address(es) of the business establishment(s) involved;

(iv) A description of why you are seeking a variance;

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