TSCA in vitro mammalian chromosome aberration test.

§ 799.9537 TSCA in vitro mammalian chromosome aberration test.

(a) Scope—(1) Applicability. This section is intended to meet testing requirements under section 4 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) (15 U.S.C. 2601).

(2) Background. The source material used in developing this TSCA test guideline is the Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) harmonized test guideline 870.5375 (August 1998, final guidelines). The source is available at the address in paragraph (i) of this section.

(b) Purpose. (1) The purpose of the in vitro chromosome aberration test is to identify agents that cause structural chromosome aberrations in cultured mammalian cells (see paragraphs (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this section). Structural aberrations may be of two types, chromosome or chromatid. With the majority of chemical mutagens, induced aberrations are of the chromatid type, but chromosome-type aberrations also occur. An increase in polyploidy may indicate that a chemical has the potential to induce numerical aberrations. However, this guideline is not designed to measure numerical aberrations and is not routinely used for that purpose. Chromosome mutations and related events are the cause of many human genetic diseases and there is substantial evidence that chromosome mutations and related events causing alterations in oncogenes and tumour-suppressor genes of somatic cells are involved in cancer induction in humans and experimental animals.

(2) The in vitro chromosome aberration test may employ cultures of established cell lines, cell strains or primary cell cultures. The cells used are selected on the basis of growth ability in culture, stability of the karyotype, chromosome number, chromosome diversity, and spontaneous frequency of chromosome aberrations.

(c) Definitions. The definitions in section 3 of TSCA and in 40 CFR Part 792—Good Laboratory Practice Standards apply to this test guideline. The following definitions also apply to this test guideline.

Chromatid-type aberration is structural chromosome damage expressed as breakage of single chromatids or breakage and reunion between chromatids.

Chromosome-type aberration is structural chromosome damage expressed as breakage, or breakage and reunion, of both chromatids at an identical site.

Endoreduplication is a process in which after an S period of DNA replication, the nucleus does not go into mitosis but starts another S period. The result is chromosomes with 4, 8, 16,...chromatids.

Gap is an achromatic lesion smaller than the width of one chromatid, and with minimum misalignment of the chromatid(s).

Mitotic index is the ratio of cells in metaphase divided by the total number of cells observed in a population of cells; an indication of the degree of proliferation of that population.

Numerical aberration is a change in the number of chromosomes from the normal number characteristic of the cells utilized.

Polyploidy is a multiple of the haploid chromosome number (n) other than the diploid number (i.e., 3n, 4n, and so on).

Structural aberration is a change in chromosome structure detectable by microscopic examination of the metaphase stage of cell division, observed as deletions and fragments, intrachanges, and interchanges.

(d) Initial considerations. (1) Tests conducted in vitro generally require the use of an exogenous source of metabolic activation. This metabolic activation system cannot mimic entirely the mammalian in vivo conditions. Care should be taken to avoid conditions which would lead to positive results which do not reflect intrinsic mutagenicity and may arise from changes in pH, osmolality, or high levels of cytotoxicity (the test techniques described in the references under paragraphs (i)(4) and (i)(5) of this section may be used).

(2) This test is used to screen for possible mammalian mutagens and carcinogens. Many compounds that are positive in this test are mammalian carcinogens; however, there is not a perfect correlation between this test and carcinogenicity. Correlation is dependent on chemical class and there is increasing evidence that there are carcinogens that are not detected by this test because they appear to act through mechanisms other than direct DNA damage.

(e) Principle of the test method. Cell cultures are exposed to the test substance both with and without metabolic activation. At predetermined intervals after exposure of cell cultures to the test substance, they are treated with a metaphase-arresting substance (e.g., Colcemid ® or colchicine), harvested, stained, and metaphase cells are analysed microscopically for the presence of chromosome aberrations.

(f) Description of the method—(1) Preparations—(i) Cells. A variety of cell lines, strains, or primary cell cultures, including human cells, may be used (e.g., Chinese hamster fibroblasts, human, or other mammalian peripheral blood lymphocytes).

(ii) Media and culture conditions. Appropriate culture media, and incubation conditions (culture vessels, CO2 concentration, temperature and humidity) must be used in maintaining cultures. Established cell lines and strains must be checked routinely for stability in the modal chromosome number and the absence of Mycoplasma contamination and should not be used if contaminated. The normal cell-cycle time for the cells and culture conditions used should be known.

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