Transmittal on Split/Shared Points to CPT, Says Nothing on Documentation

In a new Medicare transmittal (12604) on split/shared evaluation and management (E/M) services, CMS again shines a light on the performance of the “substantive portion,” but providers are still more or less in the dark about documentation requirements for medical decision-making (MDM).[1]

In the transmittal, CMS points to the CPT Panel’s definition of substantive portion in terms of driving whether the physician or nonphysician practitioner (NPP) claims credit for the split/shared visit, said Valerie Rock, a principal with PYA. “Now we know what you have to perform, which we had a sense of already. But what do you have to document? CMS has not yet provided direct guidance,” she said. “Performance is one thing, but documentation is another.”

Medicare pays for an E/M service provided in part by a physician and in part by an NPP at an institution (e.g., hospital, skilled nursing facility). Split/shared visits are billed under the National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the physician or NPP who provides the substantive portion of the visit—with a 15% drop in reimbursement if the visit is billed under the NPI of the NPP.

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