
§ 158.2230 Toxicology.

(a) General. Subpart B of this part and § 158.2201 describe how to use the table in paragraph (g) of this section to determine the toxicology data requirements for an antimicrobial pesticide product. Notes that apply to an individual test, including specific conditions, qualifications, or exceptions are listed in paragraph (h) of this section.

(b) Uses. The applicant for registration must first determine whether the use is likely to result in pesticide residues in food or water and therefore consult the “Food Use” columns of the table in paragraph (g) of this section. Generally, if the residues of the antimicrobial result from an application to a surface or if incorporated into a material that may come into contact with food or feed, and residues may be expected to transfer to such food or feed, then the “Indirect Food Uses” columns is to be consulted.

(c) Tiering of data requirements. Applicants for registration of antimicrobials may perform tests in a tiered fashion. After the initially required tests are conducted, additional testing may be required if results of the initial tests trigger the need for additional data. Conditions that trigger the need for additional data are given in the test notes in paragraph (h) of this section.

(d) 200 parts per billion (ppb). The 200 ppb level was originally used by the Food and Drug Administration with respect to the concentration of residues in or on food for tiering of data requirements for indirect food use biocides. The Agency has also adopted this same residue level for determining toxicology data requirements for indirect food uses of antimicrobial pesticides. The 200 ppb level is the concentration of antimicrobial residues in the total estimated daily dietary intake.

(e) Use of OSHA standards. If EPA determines that industrial standards, such as the workplace standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA standards), provide adequate protection for a particular pesticide or a particular use pattern, additional toxicity data may not be required for that pesticide or the use pattern.

(f) Key. R = Required; CR = Conditionally required; NR = Not required; MP = Manufacturing-use product; EP = End-use product; TGAI = Technical grade of the active ingredient; TEP = Typical end-use product; PAI = Pure active ingredient; PAIRA = Pure active ingredient, radiolabeled; Choice = choice of several test substances depending on studies required.

(g) Antimicrobial toxicology data requirements table. The following table shows the data requirements for toxicology. The test notes applicable to the data requirements in this table appear in paragraph (h) of this section.

Table—Antimicrobial Toxicology Data Requirements

Food uses Nonfood uses Test substance Test note No.
Direct food uses Indirect food uses (>200 ppb) Indirect food uses (≤200 ppb) Swimming pools,
aquatic areas,
wood preservatives, metal working fluids
All other nonfood uses MP EP
Acute Testing
870.1100Acute oral toxicity—ratRRRRRMP and TGAIEP and TGAI1, 2
870.1200Acute dermal toxicityRRRRRMP and TGAIEP and TGAI1, 2, 3
870.1300Acute inhalation toxicity—ratRRRRRMP and TGAIEP and TGAI2, 4
870.2400Primary eye irritation—rabbitRRRRRMP and TGAIEP and TGAI1, 2, 3
870.2500Primary dermal irritationRRRRRMP and TGAIEP and TGAI1, 2, 3
870.2600Dermal sensitizationRRRRRMP and TGAIEP and TGAI1, 2, 3, 5
870.2600Acute neurotoxicity—ratRRCRRCRTGAITGAI6, 11
Subchronic Testing
870.310090-Day oral toxicity—rodentRRRRCRTGAITGAI8, 9, 15, 38
870.315090-Day oral toxicity—nonrodentRRCRRCRTGAITGAI10, 15
870.320021/28-Day dermal toxicityCRCRCRCRCRTGAIEP and TGAI12, 13
870.325090-Day dermal toxicityCRCRCRCRCRTGAIEP and TGAI7, 13, 14, 15
870.346590-Day inhalation toxicity—ratCRCRCRCRCRTGAITGAI7, 15, 16, 17
870.620090-Day neurotoxicity—ratRRCRRCRTGAITGAI6, 8
Chronic Testing
870.4100Chronic oral toxicity—rodentRRCRRCRTGAITGAI18, 19, 20
870.4200Carcinogenicity—two rodent species—rat and mouse preferredRRCRRCRTGAITGAI19, 21, 22
Developmental Toxicity and Reproduction
870.3700Prenatal developmental toxicity—rat and rabbit preferredRRRRRTGAITGAI23, 24, 25, 26
870.3800Reproduction and fertility effectsRRRRRTGAITGAI26, 27, 28, 29
870.6300Developmental neurotoxicityCRCRCRCRCRTGAITGAI28, 29, 30
870.5100Reverse mutation assayRRRRRTGAITGAI31, 32
In vitro mammalian gene mutationRRRRRTGAITGAI31, 33
In vivo cytogeneticsRRRRRTGAITGAI31, 34
Special Testing
870.7485Metabolism and pharmacokineticsRRCRRCRPAI or PAIRAPAI or PAIRA35, 39
870.7200Companion animal safetyCRCRCRCRCRNRChoice36
870.7600Dermal penetrationCRCRCRCRCRChoiceChoice3, 37
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