Timely claims payment.

§ 447.45 Timely claims payment.

(a) Basis and purpose. This section implements section 1902(a)(37) of the Act by specifying—

(1) State plan requirements for—

(i) Timely processing of claims for payment;

(ii) Prepayment and postpayment claims reviews; and

(2) Conditions under which the Administrator may grant waivers of the time requirements.

(b) Definitions. Claim means (1) a bill for services, (2) a line item of service, or (3) all services for one beneficiary within a bill.

Clean claim means one that can be processed without obtaining additional information from the provider of the service or from a third party. It includes a claim with errors originating in a State's claims system. It does not include a claim from a provider who is under investigation for fraud or abuse, or a claim under review for medical necessity.

A shared health facility means any arrangement in which—

(1) Two or more health care practitioners practice their professions at a common physical location;

(2) The practitioners share common waiting areas, examining rooms, treatment rooms, or other space, the services of supporting staff, or equipment;

(3) The practitioners have a person (who may himself be a practitioner)—

(i) Who is in charge of, controls, manages, or supervises substantial aspects of the arrangement or operation for the delivery of health or medical services at the common physical location other than the direct furnishing of professional health care services by the practitioners to their patients; or

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