Three New SACHRP Appointees Hail From Academia; Panel Still Down Four Members

Three new members of the HHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections (SACHRP) appointed in July represent universities—as do the four current members.[1]

The slate is a partial replacement for three individuals from pharmaceutical companies whose terms recently expired[2] and brings to seven the number serving on the nation’s highest-ranking panel providing direction on oversight of billions of dollars of NIH-funded and other HHS agency-supported studies. SACHRP technically advises the secretary but is managed by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP).

The term of Robert “Skip” Nelson, M.D., senior director of pediatric drug development in the Child Health Innovation Leadership Department at Johnson & Johnson, was due to expire May 22. But an updated roster on OHRP’s website listed July 30 as his end date. Nelson participated in SACHRP’s July 19-20 meeting, at which members approved comments to OHRP on its draft guidance on limited institutional review board (IRB) review.[3]

Nelson’s departure leaves SACHRP chair Doug Diekema, M.D., as the only medical doctor on the committee. Mary Ellen Allen, former assistant general counsel for Genentech Inc., served until May 13. Walter Straus, M.D., vice president of clinical safety for Moderna Inc., was a member until June 11.

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