Test procedures.

§ 600.111-08 Test procedures.

This section describes test procedures for the FTP, highway fuel economy test (HFET), US06, SC03, and the cold temperature FTP tests. See 40 CFR 1066.801(c) for an overview of these procedures. Perform testing according to test procedures and other requirements contained in this part 600 and in 40 CFR part 1066. This testing includes specifications and procedures for equipment, calibrations, and exhaust sampling. Manufacturers may use data collected according to previously published test procedures for model years through 2021. In addition, we may approve the use of previously published test procedures for later model years as an alternative procedure under 40 CFR 1066.10(c). Manufacturers must comply with regulatory requirements during the transition as described in 40 CFR 86.101 and 86.201.

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