Test procedure: Volatility test.

§ 53.66 Test procedure: Volatility test.

(a) Overview. This test is designed to ensure that the candidate method's losses due to volatility when sampling semi-volatile ambient aerosol will be comparable to that of a federal reference method sampler. This is accomplished by challenging the candidate sampler with a polydisperse, semi-volatile liquid aerosol in three distinct phases. During phase A of this test, the aerosol is elevated to a steady-state, test-specified mass concentration and the sample filters are conditioned and preweighed. In phase B, the challenge aerosol is simultaneously sampled by the candidate method sampler and a reference method sampler onto the preweighed filters for a specified time period. In phase C (the blow-off phase), aerosol and aerosol-vapor free air is sampled by the samplers for an additional time period to partially volatilize the aerosol on the filters. The candidate sampler passes the volatility test if the acceptance criteria presented in table F–1 of this subpart are met or exceeded.

(b) Technical definitions. (1) Residual mass (RM) is defined as the weight of the filter after the blow-off phase subtracted from the initial weight of the filter.

(2) Corrected residual mass (CRM) is defined as the residual mass of the filter from the candidate sampler multiplied by the ratio of the reference method flow rate to the candidate method flow rate.

(c) Facilities and equipment required—(1) Environmental chamber. Because the nature of a volatile aerosol is greatly dependent upon environmental conditions, all phases of this test shall be conducted at a temperature of 22.0 ±0.5 °C and a relative humidity of 40 ±3 percent. For this reason, it is strongly advised that all weighing and experimental apparatus be housed in an environmental chamber capable of this level of control.

(2) Aerosol generator. The aerosol generator shall be a pressure nebulizer operated at 20 to 30 psig (140 to 207 kPa) to produce a polydisperse, semi-voltile aerosol with a mass median diameter larger than 1 µm and smaller than 2.5 µm. The nebulized liquid shall be A.C.S. reagent grade glycerol (C3H8O, FW = 92.09, CAS 56–81–5) of 99.5 percent minimum purity. For the purpose of this test the accepted mass median diameter is predicated on the stable aerosol inside the internal chamber and not on the aerosol emerging from the nebulizer nozzle. Aerosol monitoring and its stability are described in (c)(3) and (c)(4) of this section.

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