Test methods, procedures, and compliance provisions.

§ 61.355 Test methods, procedures, and compliance provisions.

(a) An owner or operator shall determine the total annual benzene quantity from facility waste by the following procedure:

(1) For each waste stream subject to this subpart having a flow-weighted annual average water content greater than 10 percent water, on a volume basis as total water, or is mixed with water or other wastes at any time and the resulting mixture has an annual average water content greater than 10 percent as specified in § 61.342(a), the owner or operator shall:

(i) Determine the annual waste quantity for each waste stream using the procedures specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

(ii) Determine the flow-weighted annual average benzene concentration for each waste stream using the procedures specified in paragraph (c) of this section.

(iii) Calculate the annual benzene quantity for each waste stream by multiplying the annual waste quantity of the waste stream times the flow-weighted annual average benzene concentration.

(2) Total annual benzene quantity from facility waste is calculated by adding together the annual benzene quantity for each waste stream generated during the year and the annual benzene quantity for each process unit turnaround waste annualized according to paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

(3) If the total annual benzene quantity from facility waste is equal to or greater than 10 Mg/yr (11 ton/yr), then the owner or operator shall comply with the requirements of § 61.342 (c), (d), or (e).

(4) If the total annual benzene quantity from facility waste is less than 10 Mg/yr (11 ton/yr) but is equal to or greater than 1 Mg/yr (1.1 ton/yr), then the owner or operator shall:

(i) Comply with the recordkeeping requirements of § 61.356 and reporting requirements of § 61.357 of this subpart; and

(ii) Repeat the determination of total annual benzene quantity from facility waste at least once per year and whenever there is a change in the process generating the waste that could cause the total annual benzene quantity from facility waste to increase to 10 Mg/yr (11 ton/yr) or more.

(5) If the total annual benzene quantity from facility waste is less than 1 Mg/yr (1.1 ton/yr), then the owner or operator shall:

(i) Comply with the recordkeeping requirements of § 61.356 and reporting requirements of § 61.357 of this subpart; and

(ii) Repeat the determination of total annual benzene quantity from facility waste whenever there is a change in the process generating the waste that could cause the total annual benzene quantity from facility waste to increase to 1 Mg/yr (1.1 ton/yr) or more.

(6) The benzene quantity in a waste stream that is generated less than one time per year, except as provided for process unit turnaround waste in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, shall be included in the determination of total annual benzene quantity from facility waste for the year in which the waste is generated unless the waste stream is otherwise excluded from the determination of total annual benzene quantity from facility waste in accordance with paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section. The benzene quantity in this waste stream shall not be annualized or averaged over the time interval between the activities that resulted in generation of the waste, for purposes of determining the total annual benzene quantity from facility waste.

(b) For purposes of the calculation required by paragraph (a) of this section, an owner or operator shall determine the annual waste quantity at the point of waste generation, unless otherwise provided in paragraphs (b) (1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section, by one of the methods given in paragraphs (b) (5) through (7) of this section.

(1) The determination of annual waste quantity for sour water streams that are processed in sour water strippers shall be made at the point that the water exits the sour water stripper.

(2) The determination of annual waste quantity for wastes at coke by-product plants subject to and complying with the control requirements of § 61.132, 61.133, 61.134, or 61.139 of subpart L of this part shall be made at the location that the waste stream exits the process unit component or waste management unit controlled by that subpart or at the exit of the ammonia still, provided that the following conditions are met:

(i) The transfer of wastes between units complying with the control requirements of subpart L of this part, process units, and the ammonia still is made through hard piping or other enclosed system.

(ii) The ammonia still meets the definition of a sour water stripper in § 61.341.

(3) The determination of annual waste quantity for wastes that are received at hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities from offsite shall be made at the point where the waste enters the hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility.

(4) The determination of annual waste quantity for each process unit turnaround waste generated only at 2 year or greater intervals, may be made by dividing the total quantity of waste generated during the most recent process unit turnaround by the time period (in the nearest tenth of a year) between the turnaround resulting in generation of the waste and the most recent preceding process turnaround for the unit. The resulting annual waste quantity shall be included in the calculation of the annual benzene quantity as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section for the year in which the turnaround occurs and for each subsequent year until the unit undergoes the next process turnaround. For estimates of total annual benzene quantity as specified in the 90-day report, required under § 61.357(a)(1), the owner or operator shall estimate the waste quantity generated during the most recent turnaround, and the time period between turnarounds in accordance with good engineering practices. If the owner or operator chooses not to annualize process unit turnaround waste, as specified in this paragraph, then the process unit turnaround waste quantity shall be included in the calculation of the annual benzene quantity for the year in which the turnaround occurs.

(5) Select the highest annual quantity of waste managed from historical records representing the most recent 5 years of operation or, if the facility has been in service for less than 5 years but at least 1 year, from historical records representing the total operating life of the facility;

(6) Use the maximum design capacity of the waste management unit; or

(7) Use measurements that are representative of maximum waste generation rates.

(c) For the purposes of the calculation required by §§ 61.355(a) of this subpart, an owner or operator shall determine the flow-weighted annual average ben- zene concentration in a manner that meets the requirements given in paragraph (c)(1) of this section using either of the methods given in paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this section.

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