Test methods and procedures.

§ 63.365 Test methods and procedures.

(a) General—(1) Performance testing for facility where EtO use is less than 100 pounds per year. If you own or operate an affected source at a facility where EtO use is less than 100 lb/yr that is subject to an emission standard in § 63.362, you must comply with the performance testing requirements in § 63.7, according to the applicability in table 6 to this subpart, using the methods in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, following the applicable procedures for initial compliance and continuous compliance in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section.

(2) Facilities subject to capture efficiency. If you are subject to capture efficiency requirements in § 63.362, you must follow the applicable procedures for initial and continuous compliance in paragraph (f) of this section.

(b) Test methods for facility where EtO use is less than 100 pounds per year. You must use the following test methods to determine the average mass emissions of EtO in lb/hr at the inlet of a control system (MAPCD, i) and/or outlet of a control system or stack (EAPCD, o).

(1) Select the location of the sampling ports and the number of traverse points according to Method 1 of appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter. Alternatively, for ducts less than 0.3 meter (12 in.) in diameter, you may choose to locate sample ports according to Method 1A of appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter.

(2) Determine the flow rate through the control system exhaust(s) continuously during the test period according to either Methods 2, 2A, or 2C of appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter, as appropriate. If using Method 2, 2A, or 2C, you must complete velocity traverses immediately before and subsequently after each test run. If your test run is greater than 1 hour, you must also complete a velocity traverse at least every hour. Average the velocity collected during a test run and calculate volumetric flow as outlined in the appropriate method.

(3) Determine the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration of the effluent according to Method 3A or 3B of appendix A-2 to part 60 of this chapter. The manual procedures (but not instrumental procedures) of voluntary consensus standard ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981 (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as an alternative to EPA Method 3B.

(4) Determine the moisture content of the stack gas according to Method 4 of appendix A-3 to part 60 of this chapter. Alternatively, you may use an on-line technique that has been validated using Method 301 of appendix A to this part.

(5) Determine the EtO concentration according to either paragraph (b)(5)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) Follow Method 320 of appendix A to this part and the following paragraphs (5)(i)(A) through (D).

(A) The instrumentation used for measurement must have the measurement range to properly quantify the EtO in the gas stream. Additionally, for outlet emission streams, the instrumentation must have a method detection limit an order of magnitude below concentration equivalent of the emission limit.

(B) Instrumentation used must be continuous in nature with an averaging time of one minute or less.

(C) Calibration Spectra and all other analyte spiking required in the method must use EtO gaseous cylinder standard(s) which meet the criteria found in Performance Specification 19 of appendix B to part 60 if this chapter.

(D) Other methods and materials may be used; however, these alternative test methods are subject to Administrator approval.

(ii) Alternatively, ASTM D6348-12 (Reapproved 2020), (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used with the following conditions:

(A) The test plan preparation and implementation in the Annexes to ASTM D 6348-12 (R2020), Sections A1 through A8 are mandatory; and

(B) In ASTM D6348-12 (R2020) Annex A5 (Analyte Spiking Technique), the percent (%) R must be determined for each target analyte (equation A5.5). In order for the test data to be acceptable for a compound, %R must be 70% ≥ R ≤ 130%. If the %R value does not meet this criterion for a target compound, the test data is not acceptable for that compound and the test must be repeated for that analyte (i.e., the sampling and/or analytical procedure should be adjusted before a retest). The %R value for each compound must be reported in the test report, and all field measurements must be corrected with the calculated %R value for that compound by using equation 1 to this paragraph:

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