Terrestrial and aquatic nontarget organisms data requirements table.

§ 158.630 Terrestrial and aquatic nontarget organisms data requirements table.

(a) General. Sections 158.100 through 158.130 describe how to use this table to determine the terrestrial and aquatic nontarget data requirements for a particular pesticide product. Notes that apply to an individual test including specific conditions, qualifications, or exceptions to the designated test are listed in paragraph (e) of this section.

(b) Use patterns. (1) The terrestrial use pattern includes products classified under the general use patterns of terrestrial food crop, terrestrial feed crop, and terrestrial nonfood crop. The aquatic use pattern includes products classified under the general use patterns of aquatic food crop and aquatic nonfood use patterns. The greenhouse use pattern includes products classified under the general use patterns of greenhouse food crop and greenhouse nonfood crop. The indoor use pattern includes products classified under the general use patterns of indoor food and indoor nonfood use.

(2) Data are also required for the general use patterns of forestry and residential outdoor use.

(3) In general, for all outdoor end-uses, including turf, the following studies are required: Two avian oral LD50, two avian dietary LC50, two avian reproduction studies, two freshwater fish LC50, one freshwater invertebrate EC50, one honeybee acute contact LD50, one freshwater fish early-life stage, one freshwater invertebrate life cycle, and three estuarine acute LC50/EC50 studies — fish, mollusk and invertebrate. All other outdoor residential uses, i.e., gardens and ornamental will not usually require the freshwater fish early-life stage, the freshwater invertebrate life-cycle, and the acute estuarine tests.

(c) Key. R = Required; CR = Conditionally required; NR = Not required; TGAI = Technical grade of the active ingredient; TEP = Typical end-use product; PAI = Pure active ingredient; EP = end-use product. Commas between the test substances (i.e., TGAI, TEP) indicate that data may be required on the TGAI or the TEP depending on the conditions set forth in the test note.

(d) Table. The following table shows the data requirements for nontarget terrestrial and aquatic organism. The table notes are shown in paragraph (e) of this section.

Terrestrial and Aquatic Nontarget Organism Data Requirements

Guideline Number Data Requirement Use Pattern Test substance Test Note No.
Terrestrial Aquatic Forestry Residential Outdoor Greenhouse Indoor
Avian and Mammalian Testing
850.2100Avian oral toxicityRRRRCRCRTGAI1, 2, 3
850.2200Avian dietary toxicityRRRRNRNRTGAI1, 4
850.2400Wild mammal toxicityCRCRCRCRNRNRTGAI5
850.2300Avian reproductionRRRRNRNRTGAI1, 4
850.2500Simulated or actual field testingCRCRCRCRNRNRTEP6, 7
Aquatic Organisms Testing
850.1075Freshwater fish toxicityRRRRCRCRTGAI, TEP1, 2, 8, 9, 26
850.1010Acute toxicity freshwater invertebratesRRRRCRCRTGAI, TEP1, 2, 9, 10, 26
Acute toxicity estuarine and marine organismsRRRRNRNRTGAI, TEP1, 9, 11, 12, 26
850.1300Aquatic invertebrate life cycle (freshwater)RRRRNRNRTGAI1, 10, 12
850.1350Aquatic invertebrate life cycle (saltwater)CRCRCRCRNRNRTGAI12, 14, 15
850.1400Fish early-life stage (freshwater)RRRRNRNRTGAI1, 12, 13
850.1400Fish early-life stage (saltwater)CRCRCRCRNRNRTGAI12, 15, 16
850.1500Fish life cycleCRCRCRCRNRNRTGAI17, 18
Aquatic organisms bioavailability, biomagnification, toxicityCRCRCRCRNRNRTGAI, PAI, degradate19
850.1950Simulated or actual field testing for aquatic organismsCRCRCRCRNRNRTEP7, 20
Sediment Testing
850.1735Whole sediment: acute freshwater invertebratesCRCRCRCRNRNRTGAI21
850.1740Whole sediment: acute marine invertebratesCRCRCRCRNRNRTGAI21, 23
Whole sediment: chronic invertebrates freshwater and marineCRCRCRCRNRNRTGAI22, 23
Insect Pollinator Testing
850.3020Honeybee acute contact toxicityRCRRRNRNRTGAI1
850.3030Honey bee toxicity of residues on foliageCRCRCRCRNRNRTEP24
850.3040Field testing for pollinatorsCRCRCRCRNRNRTEP25
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