Temporary operating license

42 U.S. Code § 2242. Temporary operating license

(a) Fuel loading, testing, and operation at specific power level; petition, affidavit, etc.
In any proceeding upon an application for an operating license for a utilization facility required to be licensed under section 2133 or 2134(b) of this title, in which a hearing is otherwise required pursuant to section 2239(a) of this title, the applicant may petition the Commission for a temporary operating license for such facility authorizing fuel loading, testing, and operation at a specific power level to be determined by the Commission, pending final action by the Commission on the application. The initial petition for a temporary operating license for each such facility, and any temporary operating license issued for such facility based upon the initial petition, shall be limited to power levels not to exceed 5 percent of rated full thermal power. Following issuance by the Commission of the temporary operating license for each such facility, the licensee may file petitions with the Commission to amend the license to allow facility operation in staged increases at specific power levels, to be determined by the Commission, exceeding 5 percent of rated full thermal power. The initial petition for a temporary operating license for each such facility may be filed at any time after the filing of: (1) the report of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards required by section 2232(b) of this title; (2) the filing of the initial Safety Evaluation Report by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff’s first supplement to the report prepared in response to the report of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards for the facility; (3) the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff’s final detailed statement on the environmental impact of the facility prepared pursuant to section 4332(2)(C) of this title; and (4) a State, local, or utility emergency preparedness plan for the facility. Petitions for the issuance of a temporary operating license, or for an amendment to such a license allowing operation at a specific power level greater than that authorized in the initial temporary operating license, shall be accompanied by an affidavit or affidavits setting forth the specific facts upon which the petitioner relies to justify issuance of the temporary operating license or the amendment thereto. The Commission shall publish notice of each such petition in the Federal Register and in such trade or news publications as the Commission deems appropriate to give reasonable notice to persons who might have a potential interest in the grant of such temporary operating license or amendment thereto. Any person may file affidavits or statements in support of, or in opposition to, the petition within thirty days after the publication of such notice in the Federal Register.
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