Suspension of collection activity.

§ 1177.29 Suspension of collection activity.

(a) NEH may suspend collection activity on a debt when:

(1) NEH cannot locate the debtor;

(2) NEH expects the debtor's financial condition to improve; or

(3) The debtor has requested a waiver or review of the debt.

(b) NEH may suspend collection activity on a debt when, based on the debtor's current financial condition, the debtor's future prospects justify retention of the debt for periodic review and collection activity and:

(1) The applicable statute of limitations has not expired; or

(2) Future collection can be effected by administrative offset, notwithstanding the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations for litigation of claims, with due regard to the ten-year limitation for administrative offset prescribed by 31 U.S.C. 3716(e)(1); or

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