Survey Shows Most Health Entities Lack Robust Cybersecurity Oversight

Only 29% of health care entities have a comprehensive cybersecurity program in place, leaving the others more vulnerable to cyber threats than companies with more robust measures in place.

That’s the word from the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), which looked at security issues as part of its Healthcare’s Most Wired: National Trends 2018 survey. The survey looked at how many organizations adopted what it considers the six core components of a comprehensive security system:

  • Security deficiencies reported to board (95% adoption rate).

  • Security progress reported to board (94% adoption rate).

  • Dedicated chief information security officer (CISO) (90% adoption rate).

  • Dedicated cybersecurity committee (79% adoption rate).

  • Board is provided security updates at least annually (76% adoption rate).

  • Board-level committee provides security program oversight (34% adoption rate).

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