Supporting data to accompany application.

§ 575.5 Supporting data to accompany application.

Objective data, as required by section 13(c)(4) of the Act, shall also be submitted by the employer or group of employers applying for a waiver, to show that:

(a) The crop to be harvested is one with a “particularly short harvesting season.” The variety of each crop to be harvested must ordinarily be harvested within 4 weeks in the region in which the waiver will be applicable. The Administrator will accept the written statement to that effect from the agricultural extension agent for the county.

(b) The 12-year minimum age prescribed by the Act for such employment would cause “severe economic disruption in the industry of the employer or group of employers applying for the waiver.” Severe economic disruption in the industry refers to the consequences of not meeting a compelling need for the employment of 10- and 11-year olds to avoid loss of a significant portion of the crop. Evidence of this need includes the projected number of laborers needed to harvest the acreage planted and evidence that recruitment requirements specified in paragraph (e) of this section have been complied with. Data concerning the number of hand harvest laborers used in previous years for given acreages will serve as a basis for evaluating needs for the current year. If the requisite number of workers cannot be recruited from the labor supply of 12 years and above, this would ordinarily demonstrate the compelling need for the employment of 10 and 11 year olds.

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