Submittal requirements.

§ 64.4 Submittal requirements.

(a) The owner or operator shall submit to the permitting authority monitoring that satisfies the design requirements in § 64.3. The submission shall include the following information:

(1) The indicators to be monitored to satisfy §§ 64.3(a)(1)-(2);

(2) The ranges or designated conditions for such indicators, or the process by which such indicator ranges or designated conditions shall be established;

(3) The performance criteria for the monitoring to satisfy § 64.3(b); and

(4) If applicable, the indicator ranges and performance criteria for a CEMS, COMS or PEMS pursuant to § 64.3(d).

(b) As part of the information submitted, the owner or operator shall submit a justification for the proposed elements of the monitoring. If the performance specifications proposed to satisfy § 64.3(b)(2) or (3) include differences from manufacturer recommendations, the owner or operator shall explain the reasons for the differences between the requirements proposed by the owner or operator and the manufacturer's recommendations or requirements. The owner or operator also shall submit any data supporting the justification, and may refer to generally available sources of information used to support the justification (such as generally available air pollution engineering manuals, or EPA or permitting authority publications on appropriate monitoring for various types of control devices or capture systems). To justify the appropriateness of the monitoring elements proposed, the owner or operator may rely in part on existing applicable requirements that establish the monitoring for the applicable pollutant-specific emissions unit or a similar unit. If an owner or operator relies on presumptively acceptable monitoring, no further justification for the appropriateness of that monitoring should be necessary other than an explanation of the applicability of such monitoring to the unit in question, unless data or information is brought forward to rebut the assumption. Presumptively acceptable monitoring includes:

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